Having arrived safely in Bytown, we immediately set to both renewing one's acquaintances, drinking some beers, and seeing this year's commemorative items, which, amazingly, continued to raise the bar from previous years.

In addition to a t-shirt featuring last year's brilliant logo and selected quotes from The Wall of Infamy, we were treated to glassware featuring the new, capital-themed logo, as well as a fantastic briefcase brandishing the same.
Mike T. also commissioned a host gift; the amazing piece of artwork (shown above) featuring the caricatures of the principals in this mad enterprise!

The pantry situation necessitated sending Mike and Pete on a mission to gather victuals from the local Costco for the coming days while the rest of us got in a game of Anomia. This remains the best game that entertains while simultaneously simulating the effects of a full-on stroke and associated aphasia; the highlight was probably when Earl beat Island Mike to the draw by unexpectedly pulling a pianist from an unlikely source...

After unloading the groceries, we got into a round of Catchphrase, an electronic game which recreates the game-show style fun of programs like Password, while generating almost as much cursing as Anomia,
Post dinner games included Tsuro, Citadels, and Cards Against Humanity, none of which saw me as the victor. Still, if winning was my motivation for playing, I would have quit long ago!

Tomorrow will see half of us battling in the grim theatres of the 41st Millennium while the others...uh, don't , I guess; Imperial Guard versus Eldar. Hopefully the Emperor protects...after all, he got our models this far, didn't he?

Cool swag. What the heck are you guys going to do for G&G 10??
ReplyDeleteTattoos? Seriously, it gets to be a harder act to follow every year...
ReplyDeleteWOW, this has become and epic event Steve!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking coasters might be a good swag item. Or maybe some custom miniatures, which 3D printing comes closer to making possible every day...