Friday, December 19, 2014

2014 Advent Beer 19: Winterporter

Off to the Low Countries for today's beer: De Molen Brewing's Winterporter. Porters are a dark, savoury ale, one of my favourite styles, and I've had a few beers from Holland's De Molen before, so I am looking forward to this.


A modest pour liberates a deep, dark brown with an aggressive head; three fingers of foam, and still a pinky-width 5 minutes later, though not as thick and luxurious as what you would get in a Guinness.


A rich, silky mouthfeel with a taste full of malty, biscuity goodness, with hints of hop flowers and citrus in the aftertaste. Traces of coffee and grain perhaps a bit of nuttiness, but overall a tremendously balanced drink, and very smooth indeed at 6.7%. If I had another one of these, I would try cellaring it for a year or two, as it has a 'best by' date that stretches to October of 2019.


Work is done for me until the 29th, Audrey's sister and family will be here soon, the larder and liquor cabinet are well stocked, and the solstice is only a couple days away; overall, a nice dark beer for a nice dark night!


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