Monday, September 4, 2023

Summer's End 2023

Autumn doesn't truly begin until the equinox later this month (Sep 23 here in Edmonton), but the real emotional transition seems to begin when you flip the calendar after August 31 and get the first of those 'months with R'. 

Back-to-school time still has an inordinate impact on our family; Audrey meets her new 4th-grade class tomorrow but has already been busy with teachers at Education Station, while Glory starts her third-year of nursing classes on Wednesday. In Toronto, Fenya is settling into her new role with the Community Care Centre for the Student's Association at George Brown College, while Bobby will start his first lab rotation for his doctorate at the U of T Molecular Genetics faculty. 

I am the only one in our immediate family not headed back to class or campus in some fashion, but that is okay with me. The Labour Day long weekend is no less appreciated.

Smoke has made a lot of activity unfeasible for us asthmatic types, so I have been getting in a little painting, and we had a lovely visit with our friends from Red Deer and their daughter, who is now in an apartment here in town while attending U of A.

After they left, Audrey, Glory and I took advantage of a rare opportunity to lie-in on the next morning, drank a few shooters and played some games. The enormous Sequence board Audrey got me for Christmas last year is great for such an occasion, requiring attention but very little in the way of actual cognitive processing power. We also got in a game of Trivial Pursuit X, a more adult version of the classic game featuring slightly ruder questions and punishing incorrect answers with an X stamped on one's forehead.

Through a combination of deductive reasoning and absurd levels of luck, my forehead somehow remained unscathed...

This morning presented a rare opportunity to cook a nice big breakfast (albeit for a slightly smaller crowd than I have been used to) which presented more nicely than usual (despite basically being a hash with chorizo and bacon).

And this afternoon I varnished a few projects that got painted in the last week or so after Glory innocuously asked if I had any crafts we could do.

Hopefully she and I will get some time to paint together this week so she can finish the purple worms she started on...

Our new temporary minister started at church yesterday to a warm reception, Geekquinox is right around the corner, and I am hoping to get our Call of Cthulhu back under steam this coming Saturday. The gutters have been cleaned and patches of lawn clover killed in anticipation of the cooler weather and the status quo of shorter days begins to reassert itself.

Which is probably as it should be!

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