Sunday, March 23, 2025

Vernal Geekquinox 2025: The Good Old Fashioned Days

With the theme being presented ahead of time as "Old Fashioned," I expected things to be a bit more, y'know, liquor-forward at Pete and Ellen's semi-annual dinner party - which would be weird give that nearly half the guests drink little to nothing at all while the other half tries valiantly to take up the slack.

And sure enough, the eponymous cocktail was on the menu, and the three of us who availed ourselves of it enjoyed it quite a it but I am getting ahead of myself.

Audrey and I always try to dress thematically where we can, with effort and success varying wildly from theme to theme. On this night she nailed it, pairing very well with Ellen, while my own meager efforts (a short sleeved shirt and cold war/Soviet looking tie (celebrating the Beatles "Back in the USSR") paled to Pete's sock garters and shorts ensemble.

The atomic age graphics on the menu make it clear that they were looking for a '50s-era hospitality thang, from delicious vintage cocktails and desserts right through to the main course of succulent roast beef.

Somehow the least exotic menu provided one of the tastiest Geekquinox dinners ever (not that anyone is crazy enough to rank them) and also the best-paced! Even the stuffed celery appetizers had a nostalgic charm. Followed quickly by a hot, sweet, Tom & Jerry - my new favourite warm cocktail - the day looked to be off to a splendid start.

I have never been one to fawn over a devilled egg - until now. The sharp, mustardy richness of the yolks even managed to overshadow the charm of the special plate they were served on, each egg secure in its own concave depression. We all wondered though - was something else meant to go in space in the center? People didn't used to...dip devilled eggs, did they?

While we waited for the main course to finish, Pete asked if I could mix up some Old Fashioneds for those who were interested, which turned out to be Totty, Audrey and I. It is one of those classic cocktails that is so simple and spirit-forward you might wonder why you would bother at all, but the addition of a sugar cube and orange bitters to whiskey (in this case, the Taber corn "Berbon" purchased as a Canadian alternative), adds both sweetness and complexity to the drink. The homemade (!) brandied cherry and orange peel garnish don't hurt either, and it also looks classy as hell when served in Waterford crystal.

One of the many improvements our hosts have introduced is moving the start time to noon, rather than 5 pm. This gives Chef Pete a lot more flexibility and time to chat, but just as critically, prevents the main course being served close to midnight. Those 2:00 am closeouts is hard on these 50-year-olds, but this meant the main course of a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings was coming to the table around half past three - which was perfect.

Pete had put his roast on at a low temperature around seven in the morning (Lord, bless and keep this man!), before searing it outdoors on the grill once the majority of it was medium-rare. A simple rub of salt and pepper gave it a brilliant crust and a main with no teeth at all could have comfortably eaten a generous slice. I actually cut a bite off with the edge of my fork instead of using a knife.

Our host was a bit disappointed with the Yorkshire puddings, which had not raised as he'd hoped, but the lack of fluffiness made them no less tasty. And the mashed potatoes (apparently also known as "Irish guacamole"?) and turnips were also delicious, particularly with the savoury gravy he had prepared. But the cheese-covered broccoli was a real standout, prompting numerous compliments from the guests. This cheese was meant to complement, not conceal!

The shrimp cocktail was left behind as the guests slowly digested their cow, but jsut around the time people were feeling the possibility of the capacity for eating again, Pete presented a plate of rumaki ; bacon-wrapped water chestnuts with seasoned chicken liver, a common treat at Trader Vic's back in the '50s. Very tasty!

Scott had helped slice quite a few onions earlier in the afternoon for soup and by ten pm it was ready to go in the oven and same some cheese and bread baked on to it. I adore French onion soup and have fond memories of ordering it when dining out as a child with my family, in the same style of handled earthenware bowls. Again, the nostalgia competed with the rich savoury broth and tender onions for what had the biggest effect on my happiness, and I ended up calling it a tie.

The final food offering of the night was a classic pineapple upside down cake. This might have been my first time having one and I hope it is not the last. Baking this sweet yellow cake upside down creates an amazing caramelized firmness to the top, while the cake remains moist throughout. Normally I am looking for ice cream, whipped cream or icing by my third bite of any cake but this dessert was a winner.

The Singapore Sling, another tiki classic, this time from Raffles Hotel in Singapore, made its appearance in the form of a nightcap, around 11 pm. Tart, sweet and strong, this mix of gin, cherry brandy and fruit juice was apparently created as a means of letting women imbibe alcohol, which was improper at the turn of the century. Despite having more of these than I should have (did I mention they are tremendously tasty?) the increased acidity did me no long lasting ill effects.

But true to form, the last of us stayed up until nearly one in the morning chatting and catching up - truly the best 'dish' of any Geekquinox. Thanks again Pete and Ellen!

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