Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Like a Trooper

Even if you aren't a fan of the music, it is easy to be a fan of Iron Maiden's lead singer Bruce Dickinson. Articulate, well read, competitive fencer and commercial airline pilot, he has recently turned his hand to craft brewing, and I just came across his premiere effort, The Trooper, while at Sherbrooke tonight.


The beer is actually produced by Robinsons Brewery out of Stockport in the U.K., but as the back of the bottle declares, "being a real ale enthusiast, vocalist Bruce Dickinson has developed a beer which has true depth of character."


Like some other British session beers I've tried, this one is an ale with some of the characteristics of a quality lager; the bitterness of the three different hops offset by a hint of citrus. It would be all to easy to drink a a lot of this beer, but I'm unlikely too. If I'm in for the duration, I would probably lean towards something a bit more budget-conscious, like Rev. James.


Still, it's great to see the iconic album cover repurposed so well, and a the references to Tennyson's epic poem that inspired the song is muc appreciated. All in all, an excellent first effort, and I hope the next Iron Maiden beer takes on a less common style!


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